
12 Apr, 2002

Little Green Footballs Referrer Script…

Posted by: Jennifer In: How to's

Most people have found Little Green Footballs referrer script. (I've implemented it here as well).

Here's a tip if you want to have it ignore another referrer… For example, there's a bot that's been crawling my blog (and a few other people's as well). It'll show up on the referrer list as every other entry (kind of annoying).

So here's a tip on how to add a referrer on the ignore list.
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12 Apr, 2002

not another php book purchase!

Posted by: Jennifer In: Suggested reading

I think I'm going to have to buy this book: Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL. It's calling my name… I can't resist.

Hint: In case you don't already know this; most O'Reilly books you'll find priced best on

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12 Apr, 2002

page 'o javascripts

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

I found this site the other day… haven't tried any of the scripts yet, but they looked pretty interesting. Among others, some of the scripts on that page are: a cgi password script, javascript password script, and more (some scripts may link off that page)

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12 Apr, 2002

Cool pop up menus

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks
They have a free DHTML pop up menu script that as far as I can tell is very stable. And it seemed to me to be very easy to implement it. One little trick with it: you have to have their .js files in the same directory as your pages (if you have lots of folders, that means copying and pasting those files all over the place) *however* the file that you actually customize with your menus… THAT you can have in one place and reference it from anywhere on your site.
(I'm actually using this on a corporate website that I'm designing now… and I've seen this used on other corporate sites as well… is one of them.)

12 Apr, 2002


Posted by: Jennifer In: Announcements

Welcome to! I'm hoping to make this a resource for anyone doing webdesign – either for blogs, for fun, for work… anything.

There'll be how to's on anything and everything from how to implement some cool scripts on your website to how to do some cool effects in photoshop. There'll be links to cool sites with good scripts and stuff, and a "suggested reading" for posts about cool books we've found.

I'd like to introduce my fellow blog author: Lynda, who is a mighty cool scriptygoddess herself!

If there's anything you'd like to see here just ask. If there's something you'd like to learn how to do, request a how to… if we know how to do it (LOL!) then we'll post it!


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  • Scott: Just moved changed the site URL as WP's installed in a subfolder. Cookie clearance worked for me. Thanks!
  • Stephen Lareau: Hi great blog thanks. Just thought I would add that it helps to put target = like this:1-800-555-1212 and
  • Cord Blomquist: Jennifer, you may want to check out, a new service my company just launched that converts TypePad and Movable Type export files into WordPre

