
17 Apr, 2002

case matters

Posted by: kristine In: How to's

Do you ever wish you were more consistant about how you titled your posts? Would you notice a difference between these – Case Matters, case matters, CASE MATTERS ??

Then here's a trick to try instead of going in and editing titles every time you were sloppy about naming!!

You'll want a class in your stylesheet for the title (and the same class surrounding the title in your template):

.subhead {text-transform: lowercase;}

The options in text-transform are capitalize (Case Matters), uppercase (CASE MATTERS), and lowercase (case matters)

Now, when you get an urge to go uppercase, just change the code!

17 Apr, 2002

New goddess on the block…

Posted by: Jennifer In: Announcements

For her scripty-link-finding-goddess-like skills – I've asked Christine to join us here. Welcome! 😀

There's quite a bit of upfront work, but if you really want this… then maybe it'd be worth it to you. You'll also need to understand a *little* php. I'll try to explain it the best I can, if you have any questions, let me know, be as specfic as you possibly can, and hopefully I (or one of the other scriptygoddesses) can help…

(MAJOR MAJOR Thanks to goddessLynda for her help on this one!)

(UPDATE: She just doesn't give up either! LOL! Follow along – but DO look at the comments – Lynda posted a comment with a better/easier way than mine…)

(MORE UPDATE: Lynda and I are still working on this… we're trying to make it as automated as possible so it's not so difficult to implement… and also make it as more friendly to the server.. less work – you might want to wait for version 2 of this tutorial – after we've had a chance to get this working…)

LAST AND FINAL UPDATE: I'm leaving this post here more for my own information – but Lynda wrote up the tutorial for the revised way to do this – which summarizes all the commenting back and forth. It's almost completely plug-n-play. Go HERE for the best method.
Read the rest of this entry »

17 Apr, 2002

Fade link…

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

I was browsing through my referrers and found this site: and saw that he/she(?) was using a really neato fade script on text links. After poking around a bit – I discovered it's apparently a script you can download from here.

It seems like there's a few other interesting scripts there as well.

(updated 5/26/2003 – both these links are apparently no more – if anyone knows where else it can be downloaded – please let me know)

17 Apr, 2002

Category next/previous – Call for help…

Posted by: Jennifer In: Projects

Well, as you may or may not have noticed, I've been futzing around with the pages here. Robyn and Christine both asked about category next/previous links in MT… and though it was said (on the MT boards) that it can't be done, I've gotten *very very* close. But! no cigar…

So, welcome to another part of this blog – as collaboration tool. Here's what I've got so far:
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16 Apr, 2002


Posted by: kristine In: Bookmarks

Is this noteworthy? Its like a little microblip. No, its a micropoll 😉

Need an easy script to make a poll on your page? Check out technoerotica's Micropoll. Looks easy to use!

16 Apr, 2002


Posted by: kristine In: How to's

I posted a link to this on my page, but it was worth repeating over here…

Wander-lust is a great site that I've recently, and once you sign up, they will spider your site for content, and show your recent headlines on their site. With MT, its easy to provide the code that the spiders need without having to go to their site and tell them your update.

Somewhere between your MTEntries tags, put this comment:


16 Apr, 2002

How to get your navigation to know where you are…

Posted by: Jennifer In: How to's

Lets say your site has three areas: blog – about – links. When you're on the blog page, you want the link "blog" to be bold (or a different color, or a different image, etc.) but you're using an include for the navigation, (and besides, customizing it for each page is a pain). Again, probably more ways to do this… here's one way in Javascript:
Read the rest of this entry »

15 Apr, 2002

Top Style

Posted by: kristine In: Bookmarks|CSS

Hellllooo!!! Thanks to Jennifer and Lynda for letting me join in on their fun!!

My first basic tip to share – css = cascading style sheets. They control the appearance of your pages, much like bold and center tags, but even with more coolness!

And my first real tip – my very favorite tool to recommend to you is Top Style. Its a style sheet editor that lets you preview your style sheets. You can download a trial copy of it! Check it out, its way neato!

15 Apr, 2002

Kid in a scripty candy store

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

I've actually had this site bookmarked for awhile, but Erika reminded me of it:
Hot Scripts

A few more from my favorites list:
DHTML Central
Script Search
Brain Jar

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  • Scott: Just moved changed the site URL as WP's installed in a subfolder. Cookie clearance worked for me. Thanks!
  • Stephen Lareau: Hi great blog thanks. Just thought I would add that it helps to put target = like this:1-800-555-1212 and
  • Cord Blomquist: Jennifer, you may want to check out, a new service my company just launched that converts TypePad and Movable Type export files into WordPre

