
24 Apr, 2002

Blog surfing…

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

Not sure if this is really in the same theme of a scriptygoddess post… but who cares. Sue me! LOL!

I was going to sign up with blogsnob here this morning – and found this link on the blogsnob site:
Written in HTML and javascript, it lets you surf your daily reads easily

also, this looks pretty interesting:
emails you a daily update from your favorite sites…

Maybe both of those are old news to you… wasn't to me…

23 Apr, 2002

Google Removal

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

I've been asked a few times so I'm posting this info here. I've removed my personal blog from search engines – but google I had to specifically go in and asked to be removed (didn't want traffic coming in from unsavory search requests… I won't even repeat here for fear of it coming up in google! LOL!)

There's instructions on google's site here on how to remove your site from their listing:

I created the robots.txt file, AND did the urgent removal method…(which I think only works for 90 days):

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22 Apr, 2002

Display random image from directory

Posted by: Lynda In: How to's

I'm very proud of this little baby because it's the first script I created 100% on my own. It isn't much and I'm sure there are much better ways to do it, but it's my baby.

This script will allow you to display images in a set directory randomly. To see this script in action, click here and reload, reload, reload.
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22 Apr, 2002

How to make restricted access posts on your site

Posted by: Jennifer In: How to's

This requires that you're using Moveable Type, and that you are able to run PHP on your site. It probably is possible to convert this to another type of blogging software – the key is the ability to use categories…
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21 Apr, 2002

new skin

Posted by: kristine In: How to's

If you scroll down to near the bottom of this page, there are 3 different skin options for you – I added a new one this morning – pick your favorite, they all rock!!!

AND, there's a new link below each post that says "email this." You can click this button and send a link to a post to a friend. Thanks to David for the great tutorial for this!


20 Apr, 2002

Code, Code and More Code!

Posted by: Christine In: Suggested reading

There are a *ton* of amazing tips at, a truly handy resource. The articl about IE 6 centering table content has a fast, easy & effective way to keep that from happening to your site! Thanks to Cheryl for pointing out the link!

19 Apr, 2002

absolute positioning

Posted by: kristine In: How to's

After Robyn couldn't find this information for a new skin she was working on, I thought I'd post a bit over here.

Absolute positioning in css is a way to say exactly where you want something to be on the page. I'm gonna show you how to define it based on where the object will be relation to the top lefthand corner of the browser window. (note, this is not fully supported by some of the older browsers!)

Here's an example of a golden text box that is 100 pixels from the top of the browser window, and 50 pixels from the left. Absolute positioning usually requires you to tell it at least how far from two sides of the window (top, bottom, right, or left) and it really likes it when you tell it dimensions like the width and height.

.textbox {position:absolute; top: 100px; left: 50px; width: 150px; height: 250px; background-color:#996633; border: solid 1px black;}

Wanna see what this looks like? Golden Textbox

By telling an box of text or a picture where you want it to sit, you can have control over things without using a bunch of nested tables that are not only slow to load, but a pain to deal with. You also can do some overlapping.

There are other elements to this, like visiblity and relative positioning, and z-indexes, and more; so I might add more about these things in the future here :)

18 Apr, 2002

More scripts…

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

These have been around the blog-world a few times, but wanted to put them here too (if for no one else but myself) ;-P

(I'll update this post with more links today as I get bored. LOL!)

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18 Apr, 2002

Character Test

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

Created this page awhile ago. The purpose was to see if special characters would show up in text boxes, alert boxes, buttons if used with the ascii code. The page is actually generated with a script and the result of the experiment proved that the characters would show up (although the euro character isn't showing up on my browser here… weird). In any case, the list of ascii characters is also nice to have handy.

Jenn and I spent all day long working on earlier versions of this script, however we believe that this is the quickest, most automated way to do things.

NOTE: This will only work with MT 2.0 + as it relies on the ability to create multiple archive templates.
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  • Scott: Just moved changed the site URL as WP's installed in a subfolder. Cookie clearance worked for me. Thanks!
  • Stephen Lareau: Hi great blog thanks. Just thought I would add that it helps to put target = like this:1-800-555-1212 and
  • Cord Blomquist: Jennifer, you may want to check out, a new service my company just launched that converts TypePad and Movable Type export files into WordPre

