In working with Lynda (who did MOST of the work! LOL!) on that subscribe to comments script, one of the problems we ran into was with the back button. If after submitting a comment, you hit the back button (which was scary HOW MANY people use it when navigating) it would resubmit the comment and resubmit the email. This has since been fixed, but thought I'd post a little bit about what I learned during this process about back button navigating…
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08 May, 2002
Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks
My friend sent me this link awhile ago on how to set up your local machine with apache and php, and if you use Macromedia Homesite (previously owned by Allaire) for developing, you can test/de-bug scripts on your local machine.
My friend has done this setup and said it worked pretty well. Might give it a try on a day I feel daring. 😉
08 May, 2002
Posted by: Jennifer In: Projects
Over the next few days I'll be planning out a re-design of this site to encorporate some of the feedback we've been getting. For example some things on the to do list:
-add search feature
-add "side bar" forum (just for general questions and script requests)
-add download "section" for all scripts…
One thing I'm thinking of doing with some of our scripts – rather than do a traditional readme – Lynda's readme was REALLY cool on that comment-subscription script. I'm thinking about doing all readme's that way. It makes figuring out what you have to copy and paste SO CLEAR….
So… here's your chance to put your $.02 in… Can't guarantee that I can give you everything you ask for
but I'd love to get your feedback on how this site could be made more useful for you…
Leaving this post here for archival purposes – but the latest version of the script is now in cgi format – find more info here
Until we get things organized here a little better (when I have some free time… ROFLMAO!!!!) I'll have to put these announcements in the main part of this blog. We'll probably move this kind of stuff over to the sidebar.
The new version of that subscribe to comments script is available for download.
Click here to see the post and download the new script (Lynda updated the original post – including a "change log" to see what was added/fixed)
Note for "upgrades" –
If you downloaded previous versions of the script – you will only need to upload functions.php and processing.tmpl and (for MT) put this line into your forms:
<input type=?hidden? name=?blogname? value=?<$MTBlogName$>? />
Comments Off on New Release – subscribe to comments script
07 May, 2002
Posted by: amy In: How to's
.htaccess files are lovely, lovely things. They do exactly what the name implies: control access to your files. About six months ago, I had problems with a bunch of l33t brats 'borrowing' my bandwidth and using a few of my photos on message boards.
So I decided to take their toy away.
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07 May, 2002
Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks
I'm planning (at some point… when I have free time! LOL!!!!!) to install a little mini-forum here so people can post questions or requests. I don't want a full-fledged forum, because I don't want it to detract from the blog-format of this site… but it would make the general questions/requests easier for people to submit (without having to post a comment randomly on another post or randomly emailing one of us)
Sooo. I'm starting my search on pre-made stuff…
If I find more, I'll post the links. (If you know of one, post a comment with the link…)
07 May, 2002
Posted by: kristine In: Bookmarks
I know that Dori was mentioned a few posts back , and it got me thinking that I had never shared this resource here – JavaScript World's Script page. These pages are based on her book, and there's a wide variety of scripts here.
I remember finding her book and reading it when I was planning my wedding, and being so excited because I was pretty active on the wise-women list which she founded! So its kinda like star-gazing to actually see her mentioned here. :giggle:
06 May, 2002
Posted by: amy In: Projects
I've got session IDs working on ' (it's one of the cookies I set), but I haven't decided what, exactly, I want to do with them. I haven't really decided where I want to take this project, so if you've got some ideas that could incorporate session IDs, I'd welcome them.
06 May, 2002
Posted by: kristine In: How to's
David Gagne has a great new tutorial up on his codes page for showing people how he does the icons on each of his posts. Its a great use for an MT Module, and really makes me think I could loose the clutter in my main index template by changing it over to something like this!
In case you haven't met up with the brilliant brain of dvg yet, he's the guy who created the tutorial for "email this" below each of our posts!