I've been busy lately trying to get my own site in order which is why I haven't posted much (at all) lately.
If anyone is using pMachine I have assembled a list of hacks I've done.
I've been busy lately trying to get my own site in order which is why I haven't posted much (at all) lately.
If anyone is using pMachine I have assembled a list of hacks I've done.
Every now and then, I run across bits of code that I simply cannot make stick in my head, no matter how hard I try to make it happen. For me, one of my worst problems was remembering which CSS property controlled each portion of the scrollbar.
I loved having pretty, properly-shaded scroll bars, but every time I sat down to do a design, I couldn't remember which property was which.
So, I made a little cheat sheet.
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There's a neat product (price tag is $14.95) to convert HTML to either Javascript, PHP, ASP, JSP. (For example, it'll put all the "document.write" tags around the HTML) get the trial version here: HTML to AnyCode Converter (there's also a pop-up killer type trial app there too)
update: [Sam got mad at me because I forgot to give him credit. So, Sam here's your credit. YOU found the link – but I'm STILL not making you a scriptygoddess!!!!] 😉
Found this today and it came in mighty handy… There's a javascript thingy there that will make a customized mailto link for you (in case you want to add formatted body text too…)
Brenna posted some php over on the MTForums to change the sorting order on the MTArchiveList. scroll down to the June 4 – 9:38 am posting on this thread. Seemed like a cool solution to me, and so I thought I'd post about it over here.
Last month, I posted a link to a Basic CSS article I wrote for a designer newsletter. This month, I wrote a *really* basic Basic PHP article. So for those of you were are reading us here and still haven't gotten a chance to play with PHP, feel free to check this out.
note, I know there are lots of ways to do PHP things, and maybe I didn't use the best methods in my article, but these were the ways that I knew, and really just wanted to give the readers a taste of their very first PHP code.
We post code here a lot on scriptygoddess… and if you haven't already noticed, if you don't replace your "<" and your ">" with "<" and ">" you break the page.
Well, they say that necessity is the mother of invention… so I guess that means that LAZINESS is the mother of programming.
Here's a script AND A (beta) BOOKMARKLET that will do all that for you
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A thread on the MT support boards about this. and with a custom pop up. (bookmarking for (my) future reference)
This script was sent in by Pete Holiday.
What this script does is make it easier for you to have pop up images on your site. Instead of writing the code for a new pop up window each time, this little snippet of PHP will basically write that code for you.
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Once upon a time, my friends and I decided to start a group weblog. Our group used to be small enough that we'd always remember each other's birthdays, but we now have 24 people with posting privileges, and as a result, someone always slips through the cracks.
Most people like having their birthdays remembered, so I thought I'd bash out something quick and dirty to test the current date against everyone's birthdays. If there was a match, a little text message would be displayed at the top of the page.
I did some thinking, and a situation like this (with only two required variables) is a nice way to use a switch…case statement.
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