I was looking for a way to list sub pages in a navigation bar if you were either on the "parent" page or one of it's sub pages. I found this page on Clioweb that was perfect. What's also nice is that it gives you the variable $parent_id to play with if you need to. […]
In a custom wordpress theme design I was working on tonight, I was trying to do as the title describes – make the home page show only one post (yes I know there's already a built in way to do this) but I wanted it to show up the same way the single view shows […]
Had to create a plugin. Guess this means I'm getting back in the groove. ;P Referring back to these posts, this plugin will make a button on your edit post/page making it possible to paste some code you wanted to show, select the code, then click "decode" – which will convert your < to < […]
I'll make notes of issues I ran into and the solutions as I go along, but so far I've had two three issues come up when upgrading. 1) When I ran the upgrade, it sort of died before finishing… I refreshed and it told me it was all set. Checked on the main page, and […]
I'm still buried in boxes – and probably will be for some time to come. The move is going a little more bumpy than expected. It'll get better, but not for awhile unfortunately… In any case, I'm glad to see that some of my older plugins are getting a facelift in newer work: Collapsable More […]
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While I *really* wish I could enter into the WordPress plugin contest – the fact of the matter is my schedule doesn't open up until next month – after the contest has closed for judging. But it sounds like it will be run again – so I should be able to enter it next time. […]
I haven't been posting links to new plugins as they've been coming out – Weblog Tools Collection and Blogging Pro are possibly the best places to look for that – but I still want to make note of plugins that I KNOW I'll want to use in the future… Lazy Gallery Plugin Point to a […]
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I haven't been posting any plugin notifications (not that weren't mine anyway) basically because Weblog Tools Collection and Blogging Pro do a much better job of that. But once in awhile I need to make note of a plugin that I KNOW I'm going to want to use. PhotoPress (quoted from that site) "Photopress is […]
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I know this has been asked for some time. You can thank the snow storm we got here in the northeast, that made me stick around long enough to get it done. I've updated my wpPaginate plugin to work with WP 1.5. I got a lot of inspiration from the Custom Posts Per Page plugin […]
One problem I recently ran into with Above The Fold, was that for category pages, I wanted to display ALL items in that category on the category page – but on the home page – I wanted to display just the last 8 added items. I was going to start writing a hack or plugin […]
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