One problem with the WYSIWYG editor in WordPress is that if you are trying to manually add in a block of HTML, the editor may try to translate that block into paragraph format, inserting <p> tags where you didn't intend, possibly (and most likely) ruining what you were intending to do with your HTML code […]
This is possibly the most bizarre thing I've ever seen. (This is relevant to version 2.8.4). If you have your WordPress install set up to be but your blog install set up to be (note the missing "www") and you try to search for posts from with the WordPress admin, you get redirected […]
I was recently asked by a client how they could easily add anchor links within a particularly long post they had made in WordPress. (Ie. a list of links at the top of the page that would jump the user down to the appropriate section where they needed to be.) I thought about maybe explaining […]
One kind of funny thing with WordPress is that entering HTML in the post window can sometimes lead to unexpected results. Sometimes WordPress (or probably more specifically the WYSIWYG visual editor) will eat some or all of the HTML. A friend of mine (Hi Chris!) was asking me how to add line breaks to her […]
I've been doing a ton of sites recently using WordPress (almost always as a CMS, and only occasionally as a real BLOG) – and there is a lot of power that can be gained by playing around with the post attachments. Specifically if you want photos or documents that are "attached" to a post to […]
In case you hadn't heard (and if you're using wordpress, how could you NOT have heard) WordPress 2.8 is out. One of the features included in this round was a rework of the way Widgets work – including a easier to use API. In light of this, I made use of the new API (armed […]
This is the second time I've run into this problem. I opted not to post about it the first time, because the solution was so simple it was kind of silly. But lo-and-behold – I hit it again and forgot what the solution was anyway. I know there can be more than one thing that […]
If you are using the default theme and have made modifications to it without renaming it – you may be in for a surprise when you upgrade using the new easy auto-upgrade button. Your theme will be replaced with the original one that WordPress came with. For all I know there's probably already a document/installation […]
When you use wp_list_pages() – you get a full dump of everything. If you restrict the depth, then you might not be showing the child / subpages under each page. The code I have below will first list only the "main nav" (parent) pages. If you click on one of the main nav / (parent) […]
In honor of "Thank a WordPress Plugin Developer" (yes, I know I'm a little late. hush!) I wanted to recognize some plugins and their developers that have made my job so much easier. (FYI – Most of these plugins are particularly helpful when using WordPress as a CMS). I know these kinds of lists have […]