
Archive for the ‘Scripts’ Category

15 Apr, 2004

Average Posts Per Day

Posted by: Jennifer In: Scripts

Guest authored by
Michelle –

01 Apr, 2004

Text Field Auto-Fill

Posted by: Jennifer In: Script snippet

A brief break from the eye-bleeding CSS talk. LOL! ;o) I needed a text field to be prefilled with text. If the user clicked on it, the text would clear out. If they "left" the text field (changed focus) without changing it – I needed it to revert back to the original text. If they […]

18 Mar, 2004

404 Error Handling part II

Posted by: Jennifer In: Scripts

In this post I grabbed this bit of code so that I would be emailed whenever someone hit a 404 page on my site. However, I found out that my 404 page was visited quite often… usually for the same three files. So I modified the script a bit – so that it would keep […]

14 Jan, 2004

cron jobs

Posted by: Jennifer In: Script snippet

Sometimes the simplest thing are the things that seem the hardest. You're almost embarrassed when you finally figure it out – and realize how simple it was. Cron jobs. Did you know you can create a script (that could technically be run if you pulled the page up in a browser) – but lets say […]

Just some snippets for safe keeping regarding radio buttons. One that will change which radio button is selected. The other that will change the focus to the appropriate radio button (useful when validating that fields are filled out in a form)

06 Jan, 2004

another revision to the show/hide script

Posted by: Jennifer In: Scripts

This is in reference to this post which included a link to a revised version of the show/hide (collapsing/expanding) script. That one was designed specifically for entries. Most people use this script for their comments to, so I made a slight change to it so that you can use ONE function that will work with […]

Guest authored by
Jake Ortman –

(Sort of inline with the previous moblog post) All of Sam's posts are accompanied by a few lines of text that the phone automatically adds. (There's probably a setting to remove it, but we can't find it at the moment). So I used the following script to hide the text using php.

11 Dec, 2003

Javascript: Pull-down menus with pop-up links

Posted by: Jennifer In: Script snippet

Guest authored by
Jenni –

A line break can be created by either a new line (ie. "\n") or a carriage return (ie. "\r"). (more info here) In my particular use, I had a field that could take several email address that would be seperated by either a comma, semicolon or line break:

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  • Scott: Just moved changed the site URL as WP's installed in a subfolder. Cookie clearance worked for me. Thanks!
  • Stephen Lareau: Hi great blog thanks. Just thought I would add that it helps to put target = like this:1-800-555-1212 and
  • Cord Blomquist: Jennifer, you may want to check out, a new service my company just launched that converts TypePad and Movable Type export files into WordPre

