
Archive for the ‘How to’s’ Category

13 May, 2002

base href

Posted by: kristine In: How to's

I saw a question about some html come acrossed one of the maililng lists I'm on this morning, and thought I'd share some about it! Since it was a relatively new piece of knowledge to me, I thought maybe it would be helpful to someone. The <base> tag: The base element defines a default reference […]

10 May, 2002

Divs and Spans

Posted by: Christine In: How to's

It should be known that I am fairly new at the CSS thing – I learned just enough last fall to use it to skin my site, but beyond that I still don't know that much. Just this morning I asked the other scriptygoddesses what the difference between the ‹div› and the ‹span› tags were […]

07 May, 2002

Protect your images with .htaccess

Posted by: amy In: How to's

.htaccess files are lovely, lovely things. They do exactly what the name implies: control access to your files. About six months ago, I had problems with a bunch of l33t brats 'borrowing' my bandwidth and using a few of my photos on message boards. So I decided to take their toy away.

06 May, 2002


Posted by: kristine In: How to's

David Gagne has a great new tutorial up on his codes page for showing people how he does the icons on each of his posts. Its a great use for an MT Module, and really makes me think I could loose the clutter in my main index template by changing it over to something like […]

Leaving this post here for archival purposes – but the latest version of the script is now in cgi format – find more info here Ask, and ye shall receive. All the feedback (INCLUDING the request that this be a download!) has been incorporated!! At this moment – This script will work with previewing comments. […]

Leaving this post here for archival purposes – but the latest version of the script is now in cgi format – find more info here This is so easy you're going to laugh… it's very much cut and paste, very little customzing. Please note that very soon I'll be re-doing things here so that scripts […]

03 May, 2002

PHP: Popup Image Script

Posted by: Lynda In: How to's

Back when I put together my photolog I was looking for a popup script to pop up my images without having to specify width or height or creating a separate html document for each image.

26 Apr, 2002

Custom 404 Error Message

Posted by: Christine In: How to's

Not necessarily a "scripty" thing, I keep meaning to set up my very own 404 error page, and I (a) don't know how and (b) when I have been given instructions I lose them. So the Custom 404 File Not Found Error Document Message Tutorial that I found at Brandy's site is a helpful thing […]

22 Apr, 2002

Display random image from directory

Posted by: Lynda In: How to's

I'm very proud of this little baby because it's the first script I created 100% on my own. It isn't much and I'm sure there are much better ways to do it, but it's my baby. This script will allow you to display images in a set directory randomly. To see this script in action, […]

22 Apr, 2002

How to make restricted access posts on your site

Posted by: Jennifer In: How to's

This requires that you're using Moveable Type, and that you are able to run PHP on your site. It probably is possible to convert this to another type of blogging software – the key is the ability to use categories…

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