This is another one I've found and linked to on Quick Reference Guides There's one for CSS and mySQL among a few others. A two sided cheat-sheat. VERY cool.
This is another one I've found and linked to on Quick Reference Guides There's one for CSS and mySQL among a few others. A two sided cheat-sheat. VERY cool.
Hello, I'd like to take HTML 101. So I was working on a form. Used this method to create the form. Minimal HTML. Simple CSS. Started playing around with the :focus pseudo-class… and that's when I noticed my submit button started looking crummy. (From a usability perspective, I think there are some things that SHOULDN'T […]
23 Oct, 2004
Posted by: Jennifer In: FireFox Extension Bookmarks
Another one I'm linking to on my page, but too cool I had to blog too: ColorZilla Extension for Firefox and Mozilla Gives you a little color picker in firefox so if you hit a page and you just have to know what that color is on the site, you can use the picker […]
This is one of the coolest color tools I've seen. Found on (I bookmarked it there too, I'm trying to find time to import those links here, but in the meantime I had to blog the link) 4096 Color Wheel
In searching for a method to display a url without the .htm or .php extension, I found the following links: Rewrie URLs with Content Negotiation SitePoint forum discussion But specifically the answer was basically to put the following in your htaccess file: Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine on # if the URI doesn't contain a dot and […]
12 Oct, 2004
Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks|WordPress Bookmarks to Plugins
I am having ALOT of fun posting and getting bookmarks from I was a bit bummed though that every now and then, I get a funky error – something about the service not being available. And I'm reminded why I like things on my own server. So while I plan on continuing to use […]
Laura (no link) left only the link to the following reference as a "guest authored" post: University Of Minnesota Deluth: Web Design References This particular one is for CSS, but in the sidebar you'll see many more to PHP, Typography, Usability, Javascript, etc. etc. My one note is their URL is very unfortunate. They MUST […]
Ok – so I'm really slow on this bandwagon thingy. I was reading on Web-Graphics how they have their own page, and seeing how I've been grabbing my links from there so much, I might as well make my own page. So here it is. I may still post the links here – since […]
[via] HTML Help: CSS References Westciv: Learn Web standards Veerle's Blog: Designing a CSS based template (from psd to css) – in 5 parts – looks VERY good at first glance CSS Vault Gallery of CSS based design (need to add this to my "design inspiration" post as well
I was just browsing through some of the other form-related scripts on javscript source. I'm sure I've linked to this in the past, but these types of widgets come up a lot in the work I do. I usually just avoid them, but it would probably be a lot easier for people if I actually […]