My good friend Jenni just announced the grand opening of her site "Code Novice" – already she has a few scripts and tutorials up that look pretty interesting. 😀
My good friend Jenni just announced the grand opening of her site "Code Novice" – already she has a few scripts and tutorials up that look pretty interesting. 😀
This will come in handy when trying to figure out how pages are constructed in CSS: a mouseover DOM bookmarklet [via Melissa] (Also from that same post on Melissa's site: Javascript Weblog)
So, I'm checking out CSS Zen Garden – I'm now using firefox because of all the cool extensions it has specifically the PNH Toolbar which lets outlines the blocks (ie. grids) on the page, as well as this one: Edit CSS which lets you see and EDIT the current page's CSS and redisplays your changes […]
I'm just kidding. Well… not really ;O) I'm not a CSS pro – I'd like to be one. I've been trying to follow the CSS-progression from the sidelines, sometimes getting my hands a little dirty, but unfortunately, it's not enough. Up until very recently, the company I worked for was required to support Netscape 4.x. […]
Guest authored by
Jennifer –
(Post updated and time stamp adjusted) I wanted to adjust this post and move it to the current time, because this script is just too cool but specifically relevant to my original post… Lynda has a script that will not only display how many users are online, but using the MT cookie information, display WHO […]
Just saving this link for later.. it had a few solutions (actually one solution was using javascript) to do as the title described. Experts-exchange (redirecto to https) [Viewing solutions requires free registration]
I've noticed on another site I run (that has some extensive user tracking) that users are ending up quite often on 404 pages. They're not telling me what link on my site is bringing them there – so I started looking for ways to get that information (without the need to bug the particular user(s) […]
My father sent me an email with a bunch of photos in it – all funky photoshop tricks. (It had been forwarded to him) – I think I just found the source of them. This isn't exactly scripty – but still kinda cool. Apparently they hold photoshop contests, etc. Some of the entries are […]
Another late bloomer to this "craze". Actually, (IMHO) it's kind of annoying to have tag boards directly ON YOUR MAIN SITE (slows load time, ones that referesh the page specifically make me crazy) – but I can see the value of it if it's on a link OFF your main page (kinda the way Jenni […]