07 Apr, 2010
Really awesome membership plugin for WordPress
Posted by: Jennifer In: WordPress Plugins
A project I was working on recently required the use of a membership plugin. I had done some research on membership plugins awhile back and remembered only finding ones that were pretty pricey. One last ditch effort searching through the plugin repository on WordPress.org – I found one that I hadn't remembered seeing before: S2Member. This plugin really is packed with features and gives the others a run for their money. If you are in the market for a membership plugin – definitely give this one a try first. (And if you're happy with it, make sure you contribute to it's development. If we all chip in, we all benefit!) (Here's the download page on wordpress.org)
Here's the plugin description taken from the download page:
s2Member is a full-featured membership management system for WordPress®. It provides a very tight integration with PayPal® Subscriptions, and fully supports recurring billing with the ability to track affiliate commissions on a recurring basis. s2Member supports up to 4 different levels of membership with custom labels. It supports custom Pages for signup, account access, and many others. It also supports the ability to protect certain Pages, certain Posts, certain Categories/Tags, certain parts of content, and even includes advanced documentation on how to utilize the PHP runtime constants provided by the s2Member API. s2Member also supports protected file downloads with limitations on the how many files each user ( or each level ) can download in a given period of time.