Showing random quotes isn't anything new. When I needed to do something similar on a site recently, there were plenty of pre-written scripts to choose from. The trick however, was that I wanted to show more than one quote at a time (and of course I didn't want to show the same quote twice. That wasn't as easy to find. (I'm sure there's variations out there, but now I'll always have a place to find mine)
First step is to load all the quotes you want into an array:
$quotes[] = "This is line 1";
$quotes[] = "This is line 2";
$quotes[] = "this is line 3";
$quotes[] = "This is another line";
$quotes[] = "This is yet another line";
$quotes[] = "Line 6";
Now get a handful of keys using array_rand:
$rand_keys = array_rand($quotes, 2);
We specified to get two random keys from the $quotes array – (You can grab more if you want, just change the "2")
Now that we have our random keys – you can either list them out one by one like this:
//show the first quote...
echo $quotes[$rand_keys[0]];
//show the second quote
echo $quotes[$rand_keys[1]];
Or you can loop through the keys like this:
foreach ($rand_keys as $value) {
echo $quotes[$value]."<br />";
That's all there is to it.