
Archive for February, 2009

If you are using the default theme and have made modifications to it without renaming it – you may be in for a surprise when you upgrade using the new easy auto-upgrade button. Your theme will be replaced with the original one that WordPress came with. For all I know there's probably already a document/installation […]

When you use wp_list_pages() – you get a full dump of everything. If you restrict the depth, then you might not be showing the child / subpages under each page. The code I have below will first list only the "main nav" (parent) pages. If you click on one of the main nav / (parent) […]

10 Feb, 2009

Run WordPress Locally

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

I spent a very frustrating evening a few nights ago trying to get MySQL installed on my Mac laptop. I never got it working. I have really been wanting to develop stuff offline just to make things easier. I have plenty of web access to work with – still it would be nice not to […]

In honor of "Thank a WordPress Plugin Developer" (yes, I know I'm a little late. hush!) I wanted to recognize some plugins and their developers that have made my job so much easier. (FYI – Most of these plugins are particularly helpful when using WordPress as a CMS). I know these kinds of lists have […]

So I've discovered a new feature in WordPress 2.7 – get_search_form(). What this will do is first (for backward compatibility sake) look for a file named searchform.php in the theme directory – and if it doesn't find it then it generates the HTML for you. (=cringe=) Yeah. You just know I've gotta be overriding that. […]

01 Feb, 2009

jQuery Side Scroll

Posted by: Jennifer In: jquery

(This post has been almost completely re-written. Usually I don't that – but I thought it would be more confusing to have all the changes, strikeouts, etc.) For a project I'm going to be working on, I needed to create a navigation piece that had different panes scrolling/sliding in from the right depending on what […]

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