
03 Feb, 2008

WordPress meetup & Digging (more than just snow)

Posted by: Jennifer In: Announcements

I was able to stop by the WordPress meetup here in Utah and finally got to meet The Matt! After "knowing" him online for many years. (By the way, it probably goes without saying – but Matt is a very cool guy. It was really nice talking to him, and I really liked listening to his thoughts, ideas, and plans for WordPress. As introverted as I am, and as difficult as it was to *get out of the house* LOL – I'm really glad I got up there to meet him) In talking to him, he suggested I really needed to get Scripty into some current social networking trends – like Digg – Yeah, I know. This site, as clearly apparent from the default template, has sadly been victim to my ever expanding freelance work. But with the snow storm that rolled through here, and nothing else to do this morning – I finally got DiggBadger installed. So now my posts can be dugg if you feel so inclined…

2 Responses to "WordPress meetup & Digging (more than just snow)"

1 | Esa

February 4th, 2008 at 12:01 pm


Not related to this post, but a previous post, thanks for the php "unset" array elimination script. I was looking for that, and it worked just like that. Big help. Cheers. Esa

2 | Promo

February 11th, 2008 at 8:33 pm


Wow, so much Google drama here! I guess I've missed a lot – like the total removal of the old skin.

Well I just installed WP on a site I am creating, and I knew you were a great source of info on that CMS. I'm looking forward to reading your archives to see what I have to learn.

Glad to see you kept the site going – but I still think you should make money on it if you wanna!

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