I know this has been asked for some time. You can thank the snow storm we got here in the northeast, that made me stick around long enough to get it done.
I've updated my wpPaginate plugin to work with WP 1.5. I got a lot of inspiration from the Custom Posts Per Page plugin (and my plugin should work in conjunction with that one).
Current Version: v. .2.2
Last Updated: 1/25/04 9:30 PM EST
Download and install this plugin
(Same as always: right-click and save that file with a .php extension. Make sure you do not have any spaces before the first <?php or after the last ?> in your copy. These spaces will cause "cannot modify header…" type errors.
optional: adjust settings where noted in the plugin.
1) upload plugin file to your wp-content/plugins directory.
2) activate through admin control panel
3) where you want to show paginated navigation do the following:
<? print_pg_navigation() ?>
optional: you can pass two strings to print_pg_navigation. The first string is what will appear BEFORE the page navigation. The second string is what will appear AFTER the page navigation. NOTHING will be displayed if no navigation is appearing on the page. So, when there is navigation, if you wanted to have the navigation surrounded by <p> tags, you would do the following:
<? print_pg_navigation('<p>','</p>'); ?>
Consider this basically a "beta" version. I've tested it on a test site, but that's about it.
If you still have the code from the original wpPaginate version – make sure you REMOVE the "wpPaginate()" function call in your templates/themes. You no longer need to call that function, and it will actually cause problems if you do.
Change Log
new in ver .2.2
bug fixes.
new in ver .2.1
lotsa little bug fixes. Also fixed some issues so it runs faster.