Breaking the typical format here – as I don't usually write commentary, but I couldn't resist.
I'm learning more and more about CSS each day – but I still have some issues/conflicts with it – beyond my frustrations in learning it. I know there is a big push to make flexible layouts, but I have serious issues with the idea that "everything should be flexible". An example of my issues… I was browsing some of the sites featured on CSS Beauty, their most recent link was to Cornell University.
Just a side note: I might be in the minority here, but still… I have a very large monitor, and very RARELY have my browser maximised. I tend to have several windows, tabs, etc. open all at once, and therefore sometimes scrunch windows down much smaller then they were ever intended to be. Usually it's because I only want to focus on a particular portion of a page, so I scrunch the window (and if neccessary, scroll it) so I JUST see the portion I need. (leaving more room on the screen for other windows.) In so doing, I have noticed several sites, in their effort to be "flexible," simply fall to pieces when I do this.
In the case of Cornell University – when I did this – the names of the cities actually moved. LOL!!! While I'm very impressed with their ability to put list items, carefully positioned over a map, when you scrunch the page – the cities move around. Suddenly "Doha" is a place in mexico! Who knew. 😉 This site is so flexible – I can even move a city. This is a good thing?