UPDATE There's been a bit of debate about the need for a central database of plugins. There's a lot of developers now developing plugins, and it's quite a task to find them as a user, as well as a developer to see if something you want to do has already been done. In any case – this plugin has apparently already been done by coffee2code.com (with only some minimal differences).
I'll leave my post up in case it's still of value to anyone….
Christine asked for a plugin so that she could have a list of recent commenters on her blog (and the list needed to exclude herself) – as well, she wanted a way to show the posts that have been commented on most recently. While the two requests are different, I still put them in one plugin. (I want to note that this plugin was based heavily on the recent comments plugin by mtdewvirus.com)
Current Version: v 1.0
So here's the plugin – installation and use are pretty simple:
1) Download and install this plugin (right-click save as.. with a .php extension) – upload to your wordpress plugins folder (wp-content/plugins/ ). Activate through the admin interface.
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT DOWNLOAD: Make sure you do NOT have any extra spaces after the last ?> in your copy of the file. Extra spaces will give you various "header already sent" type errors.
2) This plugin has the two following functions:
Here are how the functions are described in the plugin (which shows you the paramaters you can pass, and what their defaults are)
get_recent_commenters($no_commenters = 5, $before = '<li>', $after = '</li>', $exclude_emails = ")
get_recent_commented_on ($no_posts = 5, $before = '<li>', $after = '</li>', $show_pass_post = false)
So just to explain, for get_recent_commenters() the parameters you can pass are:
-Number of commenters to display (this list will not show duplicates, and will be a link to the commenters blog – if they've entered on in the comment form). Default is 5
-HTML/Text to display before each commenter
-HTML/Text to display after each commenter
-Exclude emails. You can actually put a LIST of emails here, seperated by a single space, of emails of those commenters you want excluded from the list. So you can put yourself in there, and anyone else who doesn't want their name showing up. If it's just you, just put your email in there with no spaces around it.
Here's an example use
<?php get_recent_commenters(10, ", '<br />', 'me@example.com'); ?>
For get_recent_commented_on() the parameters you can pass are:
-Number of posts to display (this list will not show duplicates and will be a link to the post)
-HTML/Text to display before each post link
-HTML/Text to display after each post link
-True/False if you want to include password protected posts. (default is false – do not include password protected posts)
Here's an example use