
Archive for March, 2004

31 Mar, 2004

CSS: What's the difference

Posted by: Jennifer In: Lessons learned

Sorry for the placeholder, my plan is to fill in the answers. (If I get the answer wrong, please correct me! As well, feel free to answer any of them in the comments – if you do, I'll move your comment into the body of the post – with credit (and then delete the comment […]

30 Mar, 2004

The end of the world is nigh! CSS is here!

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

I'm just kidding. Well… not really ;O) I'm not a CSS pro – I'd like to be one. I've been trying to follow the CSS-progression from the sidelines, sometimes getting my hands a little dirty, but unfortunately, it's not enough. Up until very recently, the company I worked for was required to support Netscape 4.x. […]

30 Mar, 2004

CSS Crib Sheet

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

Guest authored by
Jennifer –

29 Mar, 2004

.htaccess and WS_FTP

Posted by: Jennifer In: Lessons learned

Guest Authored by
Patricia –

I've been looking around for "users currently online" type scripts. So, tonight, I hacked together two great scripts. The first comes from Spoono – this script uses php and mySQL to keep track of how many users are on your site. Then tonight I saw Lynda's script – which uses php, a flat file and […]

26 Mar, 2004

Number of users currently online (on your website)

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

(Post updated and time stamp adjusted) I wanted to adjust this post and move it to the current time, because this script is just too cool but specifically relevant to my original post… Lynda has a script that will not only display how many users are online, but using the MT cookie information, display WHO […]

22 Mar, 2004

Switching from http to https using ASP

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

Just saving this link for later.. it had a few solutions (actually one solution was using javascript) to do as the title described. Experts-exchange (redirecto to https) [Viewing solutions requires free registration]

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21 Mar, 2004

I'd like to thank the academy…

Posted by: Jennifer In: Announcements

Now that I'm over my shock – I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped with this site…. First, those who have guest authored a post on this blog… You help keep the content going and I greatly appreciate your help – here's a list of everyone who has been published […]

18 Mar, 2004

Pro Bono Work Request

Posted by: Jennifer In: Announcements

I don't normally use this site for this type of thing – but I'm making an exception… A friend of mine helps run a grief website and the previous webmaster will not be able to help them out anymore. Basically what is needed is someone who can add/update pages and links, add chat rooms as […]

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18 Mar, 2004

404 Error Handling part II

Posted by: Jennifer In: Scripts

In this post I grabbed this bit of code so that I would be emailed whenever someone hit a 404 page on my site. However, I found out that my 404 page was visited quite often… usually for the same three files. So I modified the script a bit – so that it would keep […]

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