
28 Jan, 2004

Comprehensive guide to .htaccess

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

I just found the Comprehensive guide to .htaccess. Its a really good beginner's site for basic .htaccess tricks like setting up custom error documents, redirects, preventing specific file types from being listed, denying access by domain (not just IP), and a wealth of other goodies. Its easy to understand for those who are .htaccess challenged and offers some really good tips.

10 Responses to "Comprehensive guide to .htaccess"

1 | christian

January 29th, 2004 at 11:03 am


because i think that mod_rewrite should never be under-estimated, here's a link to a more advanced look at the apache module

and to take full advantage of mod_rewrite, you can't forget your regular expressions

2 | Doc

January 29th, 2004 at 11:07 am


I actaully use all Mod_rewrites in my .htaccess except for my ErrorDocument handling. But for those who really don't understand regexps or are just starting to delve into the intracasies of .htaccess, I figured this was a great starting point.

It's definitely easier to understand than regexps.. 😉

3 | Becky

January 30th, 2004 at 11:56 am


Oi, how I could have used this last week when trying to figure out how to redirect 650 pages! Thanks for the bookmark — I'm sure it'll come in handy in the future.

4 | dan

January 31st, 2004 at 3:33 am


Thanks, doc! I'm finding I'm needing something like this to handle some bulletin board bandwidth ripoffs…

5 | witchy

February 1st, 2004 at 3:02 pm


Wow! What perfect timing, I was just talking to someone about using this, thanks for the link!

6 | -jul-

February 4th, 2004 at 2:55 am


Actually, it can't be comprehensive. What about digest auth type? Digest, in general, is more secure than basic. Nowadays no one should just think about sending her username/password unencrypted through the net.

Now I am thinking about a JavaScript-enabled password protection (the client encodes clear password with a challenge generated by the server, then send login form, thus an evil cannot get the real password). Of course, for a script-based authentication, not for a HTTP-based one.

7 | Joe Grossberg

January 29th, 2004 at 12:39 pm


.htaccess for Dummies
The page formatting is butt-ugly, but the content is good in this beginner's guide to Apache's .htaccess files and their…

8 |

January 29th, 2004 at 9:30 pm


.htaccess Tutorial
Right here pal. Thanks Scriptygoddess…

9 |

February 4th, 2004 at 9:53 pm


Implementing better .htaccess
I was reading simplebits this morning and read about how users are pulling Dan's bandwidth down using direct links to his images. Bit of a sensitive issue here… While I understand that is not the best way to go sometimes…

10 | joatBlog

February 10th, 2004 at 9:15 pm


.htaccess tutorials
ScriptyGoddess pointed out .htaccess tutorial….

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