I often find myself strolling around the web and running across links that I like that I don't have the time to review completely right then, but don't want to forget about. Also, much of the time I find something at home that I want to remember to look at while at work, or vice versa. Because of my deep and abiding, yet completely inexplicable hatred for browser bookmarks, I always avoid just bookmarking a page, so I needed a better, more portable solution.
What I did was create a links page, built using Movable Type, and making extensive use of the categories in order to better organize my links.
The version I'm using right now uses php to help line everything up nicely and put a border around it all, but it's also possible to make a nice-looking page using only css to arrange it all.
I created a bookmarklet that includes the category drop-down, and prepopulates the fields with the title of the page for the title of the entry and a link to the page as the body of the post. All I have to do to add a new link is click the bookmarklet while I'm on the page, choose my links blog, pick the category and then hit post. It's so easy!
To create your own bookmarklet change the URL to point to your MT page, put this in an HTML page, and drag the link onto your browser's "links" (or favorites) toolbar:
<a href="javascript:d=document;t=d.selection?d.selection.createRange().text:d.getSelection();void(window.open('http://your-mt-url/mt/mt.cgi?is_bm=1&bm_show=category&__mode=view&_type=entry&link_title='+escape(d.title)+'&title='+escape(d.title)+'&link_href='+escape(d.location.href)+'&text='+escape(t),'_blank','scrollbars=yes,width=400,height=490,status=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'))">Add This To My Links</a>
The templates are here for: the php version and for the the css-only version.