Long title. Sorry.
Someone wanted to use the show/hide comments script but have more than just the "show comments"/"hide comments" text in the same line. Basically – what they wanted was : Permalink | Show Comments(3) | Add Comment | Trackback(2) Where the "Show Comments" would drop down and do the show/hide comments – […]
(Sort of inline with the previous moblog post) All of Sam's posts are accompanied by a few lines of text that the phone automatically adds. (There's probably a setting to remove it, but we can't find it at the moment). So I used the following script to hide the text using php.
30 Dec, 2003
Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks
Sam (my better half) recently got a new phone with a camera – and asked me to set up a moblog for him. Having seen many moblogs – but never having the capability myself, I thought there must be many tutorials/services/scripts out there to set one up. I found a few (not as many as […]
28 Dec, 2003
Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks
This is very basic – but I wanted to save the code somewhere. The default "Calendar" template has the dates linked to the last entry on that calendar day (mtpermalink) – but it would make more sense to have those links point to the DAILY ARCHIVE page (this assumes you have "daily" checked off as […]
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23 Dec, 2003
Posted by: Jennifer In: MT hacks
I'm sure this will quickly be making the rounds… After a long time of no news about an MT upgrade – they say the beta of MT 3.0 is due in early Q1 2004… (and it will be a free download and upgrade)
11 Dec, 2003
Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks
Many cool links found on Jennifer's etc: Original Lorem Ipsum Alternate to Lorem Ipsum text generator Print out all links from a page (as footnotes) (it's a bookmarklet)
A line break can be created by either a new line (ie. "\n") or a carriage return (ie. "\r"). (more info here) In my particular use, I had a field that could take several email address that would be seperated by either a comma, semicolon or line break:
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