
15 Oct, 2003

Comment Notification Hack for MT-Blacklist

Posted by: Jennifer In: MT hacks

On October 13th, the MT-Blacklist plugin was released by Jay Allen. However, I found that the conflicts with the Adam Kalsey comment notification Hack.

There is a simple way of fixing this small error if you do not want to receive e-mails of your comments. It worked for me but I can't guarantee it will work for you. If you try it, make sure you back up the original files you are modifying before attempting. I don't suggest this to novice MT users.

Open to line 2395 and you will see the following:

MT::Mail->send(\%head, $body);

Place the following code in its place:

MT::Mail->send(\%head, $body) unless $author->email eq $comment->email;

This will act the same as the Adam Kalsey Comment notification Hack as Patricia posted in reply to the original entry posted on the hack.

1 Response to "Comment Notification Hack for MT-Blacklist"

1 | Nicole

July 5th, 2004 at 4:03 am


I was just wondering if you had a script for using tables in the comment template.. if so can you please email me! thank you<3

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