6 Responses to "Display all ALT values of images"
2 | Jennifer
You're free to steal it – if you do, can you include a link back here?
3 | Jesse Ruderman
New list alts bookmarklet: avoids showing the same image-alt combination twice, differentiates between missing and empty alt text, and shrinks huge images. It only works in Mozilla because only Mozilla's getAttribute returns null when an attribute is not present.
4 | grossfinch
MyIE2 has a similar script plugin named Analyze picture. It shows Alt, pic itself, width,height. Though I have left the dev team for a period of time. I still hold the believe that MyIE2 is the best choice if you don't hate IE. I find many scripts can be changed to be a plugin for MyIE2 users. So I hope script authors here can have a look at MyIE2. http://www.myie2.com and the forum http://www.overseasky.net/myie2/forum_new/default.asp you can find lots of useful scripts in //Skins, Resources and Translations – [English]//
6 | matt
I'd like to view ALT tags in mozilla at mouse on. How is this possible?