31 May, 2003
CSS tutorials, Font browser, PHP debugging, project management links…
Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks
A few links I wanted to note…
Simon Willison: CSS ain't Rocket Science (RSS ver.)
Looks like some interesting tutorials there. [link via Kristine]
Font Browser
A neato Flash thingy that will show you the fonts you have installed on your machine with a little sample on the side. You can change the sample's text and size. [link via Jennifer's ETC.]
Debugging PHP
A little tutorial on how to figure out why your code doesn't work – when it… uh… doesn't work. ;0) I was actually considering writting a similar tutorial – listing just a few of the errors that I've come to know and love hate 😉 and what they mean to me. (from a "where do I look to fix it" perspective – not like an "I'm personally attached them" one) LOL! Maybe that'll be my weekend project… [link via Donna]
I know there was a few other links I wanted to take note of that I saw earlier this week… but now I can't find them (guess I should have made this post sooner. LOL!)
update: Here's one I wanted to add:
Dot Project
If you need a (free!) project management package – I installed this one and so far it's pretty cool!! It's actually got a lot more than what I needed, and the "trouble ticket" feature needs a little work (it doesn't email the person assigned when a trouble ticket is first created) but it's still in beta, so maybe they'll be fixing that soon. In either case, I'm really liking this so far and haven't found too much else (that's free!!) that does what I need…