
05 Apr, 2003

Portal page creation

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

Noticed on GeekGrrl's site a few posts about how to create a portal. Looks like fun! Here's a few of the tools that were mentioned: Cheatsheet Creator and the amazing portal generator.

3 Responses to "Portal page creation"

1 | kristine

April 5th, 2003 at 4:16 pm


in response to GeekGrrl and other people in the aforementioned threads request for help, I put together some notes on how I created my portal in this post :)

2 | Mariann

April 5th, 2003 at 5:16 pm


Ah, nice stuff… I'll definitely make use of it for my own personal site as well as my course sites. It's too bad the portal generator is PC only or I'd experiment with it now!

3 | Daphne

April 7th, 2003 at 8:59 am


Portals are great! When I first set mine up I thought I was being a little silly – after all, it was all "out there" already, right? – but I use it way more than I ever thought I would!

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  • Scott: Just moved changed the site URL as WP's installed in a subfolder. Cookie clearance worked for me. Thanks!
  • Stephen Lareau: Hi great blog thanks. Just thought I would add that it helps to put target = like this:1-800-555-1212 and
  • Cord Blomquist: Jennifer, you may want to check out, a new service my company just launched that converts TypePad and Movable Type export files into WordPre

