Looks like we won two bloggies. One for best programming of a weblog, and another for best web development weblog.
Very cool! 😀
Thanks everyone!!
(Congratulations to the other winners as well. Glad to see a number of familiar names up there!!)
Looks like we won two bloggies. One for best programming of a weblog, and another for best web development weblog.
Very cool! 😀
Thanks everyone!!
(Congratulations to the other winners as well. Glad to see a number of familiar names up there!!)
1 | Amy
<fnord>One step closer to world domination!<fnord>
Congrats, Jennifer. It's been a pleasure to be associated with the site.
7 | kristine
Yay!! That rocks!! And I must agree with Amy — it is definately great to be part of SG!!!
12 | kathi
Congratulations to all you Scriptygoddesses (and Scriptygods )!!!
13 | Solonor's Ink Well
14 | .: Sindono.com - By Arno Jansen :.
15 | .:sindono.com:.