
22 Dec, 2002

Welcome back bloglet!!

Posted by: Jennifer In: Lessons learned

Don't know if you'd noticed or not, but bloglet hadn't been sending out notices of new posts here. After months(?) of going in and trying to figure out what I had set up wrong… and even emailing the author of bloglet… I finally re-read the instructions… You know the old saying, when all else fails; read the instructions. Well that did it. I had the server pointing to the regular /mt/mt.cgi path for the blog, but as it turns out you're supposed to point it to /mt/mt-xmlrpc.cgi. DOH! Slaps hand on forehead… So, if all goes well, this post should end up in your emailbox – IF you've signed up with bloglet… Sorry for the delay in getting it back up and running (and for my silly-ness!)

10 Responses to "Welcome back bloglet!!"

1 | Christine

December 28th, 2002 at 3:03 am


Thanks for the info! I wondered what happened, and I couldn't figure out why my weren't working either! I think when we first signed up it was supposed to point to mt.cgi – matter of fact, I'm almost positive. I like the change though, so now I just need to put it in place!

2 | girlie

December 28th, 2002 at 10:54 pm


Actually, I'm not sure Bloglet is working at *all* anyway. I haven't gotten an update from this site or from my own since 12/04/2002 – those both have had new entries posted since then (and I don't link to mt-xmlrpc.cgi, but to my index.rdf file – that's how Monsur set it up for me, to use the RSS feed option.) =(

Didn't even get a Bloglet update for this entry here!

3 | Jennifer

December 29th, 2002 at 7:35 am


yeah, I know… I'm reluctant to remove that whole thing from the sidebar because it was such a great idea and program – but it's getting a bit frustrating that it's not working anymore at all… I noticed to that the DAY I "fixed" the script – I stopped getting ANY bloglet emails… figures!!

I'll have to hunt around for something similar…

4 | girlie

January 5th, 2003 at 7:30 pm


I'm bummed about it too; keep us posted if you find anything similar?? =)

5 | girlie

January 6th, 2003 at 8:57 pm


Happy happy joy joy! A Scriptygoddess Bloglet update in my mailbox! Guess it's working again! =)

6 | Mark

January 16th, 2003 at 12:05 am


I have been having trouble too, not receiving peoples or even sending mine out…

When I run a test connection, this is the error that I receive. I do have it pointed to the mt-xmlrpc.cgi file…

ERROR: The server returned the error below:

[The server at generated the following error]:
[request: blogger.getRecentPosts nokey 1 xxxx yyyy 20 ]

[answer: faultStringInvalid login faultCodeServer] xmlRPC(4)

7 | Jennifer

January 16th, 2003 at 8:26 am


I had set up a special login for bloglet (set it up as an author so I could restrict access to other things in my mt intall, etc) don't know if you did the same – if you did – try logging in with that account to make sure it's still working…

Other than that – I would strongly recommend sending an email to the guy that runs that. He's got a contact form on there. He takes awhile to get back to you, but he did eventually return my emails…

8 | Kerim Friedman

June 29th, 2003 at 4:31 pm


I used to love Bloglet, then it stopped working altogether. The author used to reply to e-mails, but doesn't seem to anymore. I wish someone else offered a similar service – or it was better integrated into Movable Type.

9 | Kim

July 30th, 2003 at 12:06 pm


While I realize that creating and maintaining a free service such as Bloglet is difficult, I have given up using Bloglet. First it wasn't sending out email notifications, now it doesn't except subscriptions. It takes subscriptions on the bloglet site, strangely enough.

MT doesn't have a configurable interface for notification and it isn't automatic. Blogarithm's service works well and has since 2002. Any one have issues with their notify service?

Need a PHP script that will run all the time, see if I've updated and send out an email to a list of emails from a file or a single email account that I maintain as a list.

10 | Peter Raymond

August 31st, 2003 at 2:54 am


I see that Bloglet's down again and has been for awhile. Any luck on finding an alternative?

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