
04 Dec, 2002

Plugin Directory

Posted by: kristine In: MT hacks

There's been so many great plugins developed for Movable Type since that functionality was added. To keep track of them all, and to help me in answering questions on the forums, I put together a Plugin Directory (powered by MT, of course!) It actually uses some of the plugins that I hadn't tried out yet (Columnize and Key Values are most notable).

So if you've been looking for a solution but don't have PHP, some of these perl-based plugins may help you out.

7 Responses to "Plugin Directory"

1 | Tudy

December 5th, 2002 at 6:25 am


OMG!! I love you! This is like getting a huge present under the tree on Christmas morning. Ive been cruising sites this morning and I am constantly saying.."Gee I wish I could do that.. gee how come I can't do that.. Man.. how do they do that?" You just answered some of those questions for me. You look marvelous in that Santa outfit. :-)

2 | Jennifer

December 5th, 2002 at 9:14 am


NICE! The funny thing is I was just thinking we needed to do something like this. Cool! :)

(oh, and btw – that font page you created – KICKS BIG TIME BUTT!!! Nice job!!)

3 | reb

December 5th, 2002 at 11:13 am


that is awesome! thank you so much!

4 | Jason

December 5th, 2002 at 3:01 pm


I'm getting a PHP error when I try to access the link?

5 | kristine

December 5th, 2002 at 5:13 pm


I already emailed Jason, but I was editing when he tried to view the page – its working again :) and has new plugins on it since yesterday! :)

6 | Quadsk8

December 8th, 2002 at 5:41 pm



I have looked at your plugin collection and like the work you have done. but…

I am missing a "recommend a plugin" form, since I think I know more plugins that should be mentioned (as I am using and liking them)
Nice if you want to be as complete as possible to let others do suggestions, don't you think?


7 | kristine

December 8th, 2002 at 10:33 pm


Good idea Lawrence – I added a comments section that can be used to recommend plugins. I probably will still test out the plugins that people recommend, or at least go over the documentation so I understand how they work, so it may not be instanteously added, but I'd definitely like to make it as complete as possible because that seems like it would help people the most! :) Thanks!

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  • Cord Blomquist: Jennifer, you may want to check out, a new service my company just launched that converts TypePad and Movable Type export files into WordPre

