
20 Nov, 2002

Add "Listening To" & other fields to your entries

Posted by: promoguy In: MT hacks

This is a hack that reminds me a lot of "LiveJournal" blogs, and I know many MT users long for it.

So, Scott has made the hack. This one is not for the faint of heart, but it looks very snazzy when you are finished.

Read Scott's Tutorial here.
BTW, you must be using the mySQL database flava of MoveableType to use this tweak.

17 Responses to "Add "Listening To" & other fields to your entries"

1 | Donna

November 20th, 2002 at 2:47 pm


Hee. You said "flava." You rock, Promo! So does this very cool tweak…

2 | Scott

November 20th, 2002 at 5:05 pm


wow, this is so sweet, i read scriptygoddess ever day and now i am on the page, lol, well there is a point to my post! yup, i updated some of the code to fix some bugs and make it easier to read and understand some stuff. so if you did it and something didn't work check back now, or send me a e-mail

3 | John

November 21st, 2002 at 12:55 am


I've just been doing this the easy way on my blog I suppose… simply typing the 'Listening To' into the excerpt text box (that I'd otherwise never use) and having the [$MTEntryExcerpt$] in my template right between the [$MTEntryTitle$] and [$MTEntryBody$].

4 | allison

December 4th, 2002 at 9:35 pm


has anyone seen a hack like that that will work with the berkley db?? I dont have Mysql :(


5 | reese

March 7th, 2003 at 10:52 am


Or how about one that doesn't use MySQL? It's mentioned on the details page that there are others out there that can do this without MySQL, but I haven't had luck finding them. Anyone have a link?

thanks :)

6 | Megalion

March 25th, 2003 at 4:48 am


Excellent! Now only if the link worked I could learn how to do this!

*hint hint*

Thanks in advance…

7 | Donna

March 25th, 2003 at 7:49 am


Megalion, the link appears to be affected by a parse error right now on Scott's site; it's a backend problem out of Scripty control :) You could try reviewing this thread on the MT support forums for some good alternatives – the tutorial also seems to come and go (and come back!) on a regular basis, so I'd keep trying.

8 | Megalion

March 25th, 2003 at 10:15 pm


Whoops… sorry I wasn't paying attention and mistakenly thought that Scott was one of the authors on this site.

9 | Scott

March 27th, 2003 at 8:34 pm


sorry about that, show be fixed now, haven't been online in days, kinda falling behind, and having some domain problems. but as i said it should work now

10 | Megalion

March 29th, 2003 at 5:26 am


Thanks Scott!

I feel for you cause your site now appears to have been taken down by GoDaddy… I get a GoDaddy titled page that asks for the owner of the site to please call a phone number.

I did however have the presence of mind to print the page in question but my problem now is I can't figure out where that "ExtraFeilds Plugin/Hack" is located because A) I'm not sure if the typo in "fields" was intentional or not, and B) the name is ambiguous enough that there might be two separately authored versions out there?

I checked but didn't find it listed there so can you (Scott) or anyone else point me to the one Scott is talking about?


11 | Megalion

April 3rd, 2003 at 4:43 pm


Here's the ExtraFields Plugin that Scott's hack uses in answer to my above question.

Glad to see you got things worked out with GoDaddy Scott!

12 | Jessy

August 14th, 2003 at 4:16 am


I click on the link and I don't get anything: Page not found. :(
Any where else I can get the hack?

13 | Jennifer

August 14th, 2003 at 6:36 am


ah yes… the disadvantages of not storing code on my own site. :( It looks as though Scott took his site down.

I'll see if I can track down an email address for him…

14 | Donna

August 14th, 2003 at 9:32 am


This thread on the MT support forums offers a couple of alternatives for the mood hack; apparently it's come and gone before, so people have found workarounds. Hope this helps!

15 | Crys

November 15th, 2003 at 12:35 pm


Ack, this hack isn't up on his site anymore, you should post it here :)

16 | sissybooboo contemplates

November 24th, 2002 at 3:28 am


Mood Hack
It's too late to start this tonight, but I was inspired to make a whole category because of this! LOL

17 | J : Da Blog

February 20th, 2003 at 4:30 am


I wonder if I should have a day like this
I went to work @ International Services,class, work @ Career Services. I am working on revamping EOP pages so here's

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