Another script for ya! On the low tech side – but the name of the game is KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid.
This script will let you enter in events (through a web interface/page). They can either be recurring events (like birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) or single occurence events.
Then, with a simple line of php, you can have the next x# of days' events display on your site.
The script should be fairly easy to install – just requires your editing a config file… You enter in the dates. Add the line of code to your site… you're done.
Once again – I have little time to actually support this stuff, but please feel free to post any questions you may have in the comments section. If I can't/don't have time to answer it, there might be someone else who can. But before you post a question – if there are already comments here, please read through the comments to see if your question has already been answered.