
24 Aug, 2002


Posted by: Jennifer In: Announcements

Update 8/24: Ok – so the masses have spoken. Soon to be implemented:
Collapse/Expand more entries, and shortcut links for bold/italic/links in comments. :)

Well, we talk about a lot of bells and whistles you can add to your blog, but only a few actually make it into THIS blog. (More because there just isn't enough hours in the day) So here's your chance to "request a feature"…

I put up a poll on the sidebar (butterfly skin only at the moment – goddesses, if you could incorporate it into your designs as well, that'd be cool… but I didn't want to hack around in them…). Cast your vote for what feature/features you'd like to see… I only listed a few up there, if there's something you want that's not on that list, leave it in the comments in this post… I may or may not add it to the "voting booth"…


(if you voted when I first posted this, I did something and completely wrecked the original poll… had to upload new files and everything. I never said I was a "real scriptygoddess" LOL!) Feel free to vote again…

7 Responses to "Feedback"

1 | karen

August 21st, 2002 at 12:22 pm


hi! i hope a decent counter for MT can be made :)

2 | erica

August 22nd, 2002 at 2:50 am


Well I came here trying to find the collapse/expand scripty thing, so that's what I voted for!

3 | Natalie

August 24th, 2002 at 6:06 pm


*lol* I'm not entirely sure that people understood that they're voting on what they want to see on THIS blog. *lol*

4 | Johanka

August 25th, 2002 at 4:53 pm


So where's the poll, I can't see it… Butterfly skin you say…hm. I'd like to see more skins, yes, that's what I vote for. 800×600 viewable, please. :-)

5 | Kyle

August 25th, 2002 at 5:12 pm


Something that would be great is if you could include a RSS feed.

6 | Jennifer

August 25th, 2002 at 6:25 pm


I had the poll up for a week, and just took it down… Maybe once I get those implemented I'll put up another one and see what feature I can add that would be most useful for everyone…

So keep the suggestions coming… I'll include it in the next poll.

7 | Christine

August 26th, 2002 at 4:09 pm


Kyle: There is an RSS feed – will hook you right up!

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