After Mena persuaded him to do it, Ben has written a MT plug-in to display your Netflix Queue. (originally found at Jish's site)
After Mena persuaded him to do it, Ben has written a MT plug-in to display your Netflix Queue. (originally found at Jish's site)
2 | Amy
This probably isn't the popular opinion on the subject, but am I the only person that finds sharing such things with the world a little … oh, I dunno … creepy?
I don't mind writing or talking about things that have already happened, but the thought of sharing my future plans with Random Net Someones just gives me the heebie-jeebies.
3 | Christine
It doesn't bother me – but then again, I've had a "movies I want to see" list for as long as I can remember. This would just make it easier for me – if I was a Netflix member. For now I just have a second blog that tracks those things and retrieves them by category.
4 | ME-L
September 26th, 2002 at 12:51 pm
For those of use who don't use MT, my friend Trip just wrote a script that will do the same thing. You can see it in action over at:
I'm sure he'd be happy to share the script.
November 27th, 2002 at 7:36 pm