
27 Jun, 2002

Hide all status bar messages

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

A script that will hide all status bar messages… (I've needed this script more than once!)

6 Responses to "Hide all status bar messages"

1 | Lynda

June 28th, 2002 at 9:05 am


This isn't much more than the traditional per-link mousover/mouseout just with no text:

<a href="" onmouseover="window.status="; return true"; onmouseout="window.status="; return true">link text</a>

I just find it funny this guy calls it a "POWERFUL SCRIPT!" when it's been around for years. :)

2 | Christine

June 28th, 2002 at 11:29 am


Oh, you would drive me crazy using that! I hate it when people change the the code to display text in the status bar instead of a link too. When I'm surfing, I often mouseover links and look at the status bar to see what the URL is so that I know whether or not I've been to the site before or if I want to open it while at work. Hiding it from me just ticks me off… :o) Although, on a project where maybe I'm redirecting to a different server and don't want the end users to see the URL, I guess this would be beneficial – but they could still view the source and figure it out if they were the curious type.

3 | Row

July 2nd, 2002 at 12:22 am


I agree with Christine, that sort of thing would drive me nuts. I like knowing where I'm going, thanks very much!

4 | Jennifer

July 2nd, 2002 at 7:36 am


Yeah, I wouldn't recommend this for blogs specifically. I've needed this for web based java apps for work (where they don't want this ugly url showing up in the status bar that has to do with the coding)… it's not so much a HIDE THE CODE thing, as it is a "make it look nicer" thing

5 | Alex

March 30th, 2003 at 7:39 am


Thanks peoples, this was very helpful.

6 | Neil

January 28th, 2004 at 6:33 am


It doesn't work with <map> and <area>.

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