21 May, 2002
Posted by: Lynda In: MT hacks
UPDATE 3.29.04 Lynda has a updated version of this script. I'll leave the content of the post up – but go to her site for the most recent version of the script. ——————————————- I went looking to see if there was a way to list the most commented on entries within Moveable Type. I know […]
18 May, 2002
Posted by: Jennifer In: Scripts
Since my journal is of a personal nature – I don't really want it indexed on Google. I had previously posted about a way to "temporarily" remove your site from their index – unfortunately, it DOES time out! I've done this a number of times, and… well… it's BAAACKK. If you can't beat 'em – […]
17 May, 2002
Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks
My friend Dave (who REALLY needs a blog!!!!!)
sent me some links about some PHP development being done for stand-alone apps: PHP-GTK AKBKHome
I make no secret of the fact that I'm doing some fairly heavy-duty work with PHP and mySQL these days. As a result, that's where most of my recent web-surfing time has gone. While long, I found this tutorial (Build your own Database Driven Website using PHP & MySQL) to be the one that I […]
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17 May, 2002
Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks
Lots of good javascript articles over on chunkysoup.net. Including an article about Object Oriented Javascript (ouch – head hurts – I know I should read and understand that .. maybe I'll take it nice and slow) Also has some nice links on his resources page.
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17 May, 2002
Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks
pretty neat huh? (well, I guess not the unemployed part.) To find the script to do that get it here. That site, Dynamic Drive, has some pretty cool other scripts too. (p.s. Here's a question for the CSS goddesses – how do I add a margin to that layer? I know how to add a […]
When I was creating the concept of my Buffy Skin for my journal, I knew that I had too many images to just use one on each sidebar. So I went on a search for a way to do random images. But, my other quandry was that I wanted to do random images as backgrounds […]
Remember a few days ago I was having major problems with this site? I think I *just* realized what may have caused the problem.
16 May, 2002
Posted by: Lynda In: MT hacks
There are a number of ways to do this and your options are only limited by your imagination . . . and, well, the MT tags. First, this will only work in MT 2.0+ so go upgrade right now if you haven't!
15 May, 2002
Posted by: kristine In: Bookmarks
Brenna of mngeo.com (and an all-around smart person on the MT boards!) posted really nice tutorial on how to make your site navigation know what page you are on; even when you are using a fixed header. php site nav, using if/else and $REQUEST_URI