
07 May, 2002


Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

I'm planning (at some point… when I have free time! LOL!!!!!) to install a little mini-forum here so people can post questions or requests. I don't want a full-fledged forum, because I don't want it to detract from the blog-format of this site… but it would make the general questions/requests easier for people to submit (without having to post a comment randomly on another post or randomly emailing one of us)

Sooo. I'm starting my search on pre-made stuff…

If I find more, I'll post the links. (If you know of one, post a comment with the link…)

9 Responses to "Mini-Forum…?"

1 | kristine

May 7th, 2002 at 1:00 pm


Oh, I'll check this one out because I've been wanting to do something less than ikonboard for the blogplates site. And something small might be good :)

After we talked yesterday, I was thinking about it…. a really mini type of thing that might work would be a tag-board – its like a mini posting thing, and could even fit in our sidebar. I haven't played with it myself, but I know that one of the pixelitas (a design group I'm part up) have made a tutorial. I wonder if thise could be configured to meet our needs?

2 | reb

May 7th, 2002 at 2:18 pm


i found this one to be pretty useful……

3 | reb

May 7th, 2002 at 2:19 pm


i found this one to be pretty useful……

4 | marc

May 7th, 2002 at 2:30 pm


anything here that might suit you?

5 | Christine

May 7th, 2002 at 11:35 pm


Ahhhhh, K/Christine, brain twins as usual. I was just thinking of Tagboard too! I'm concerned that with a regular message board there will be a lot of back & forth discussions there instead of in the blog. Hm.

If you do go with a board, how about something like the PHP board we are using at Blogomania? I've been really happy with that – but you would know how hard it was to set up!

My final thought is a comment form that sends an e-mail to all of us and then we can collaborate from there. That way the visitors stay focused on the site while we work in the background.

6 | Lynda

May 8th, 2002 at 1:18 am


Christine, I setup a mailing list for Jenn to use for us earlier today. So the "behind the scenes" discussion list is in the works.


7 | Jennifer

May 8th, 2002 at 6:37 am


yes yes… I know.. I need to set up that list.

I didn't want to do the PHP board because I don't want something that elaborate. I do want "threads" so that if there's a specific question – there may be some back and forth on it – but I really only want two main "forums" – (each forum would have "threads" under them)

So I'm picturing a main forum:
General Questions
and under that people post questions if they have questions that don't relate to any specific posts on the blog..(called topics on php board). The replies go under the question "topic". That way if you have the same question you can follow along with the replies…

8 | Lynda

May 8th, 2002 at 8:35 am


For the questions part (separte from the "request a feature/script" part) you might also want to look into FAQ scripts. Lots of FAQ scripts allow people to post questions and then anyone can reply with an answer.

This would also be helpful in putting together FAQs for our scripts, etc.

But I'm really clueless on the whole thing. hehe. I don't know of anything small, although I bet a simple system wouldn't be too hard to write in PHP! :)

9 | dave

January 25th, 2003 at 4:22 pm


i dont know which php board you're referring to when you as hard to set up, but you might take a look at phpbb. i'm a complete non-techie and had it up and running in 10 minutes. it *is* a full-fledged forum, which may be more than you're looking for, but it's also extremely configurable from the admin screens, so you may be able to limit it to fit your purposes.

tagboard or zonkboard might work, but i suspect you'd get more social chitchat than relevant convo there. plus those are remotely hosted, and tend to go down a lot.

by the way, it would be GREAT if someone a lot smarter than me could develop a tagboard plugin for MT, so it wouldnt be remotely hosted. you can make a bogus one tinkering with mt's comment feature a little, but that's kind of a taped-together approach.

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