
29 Apr, 2002

"On This Day" Links

Posted by: Christine In: MT hacks

I just said yesterday that I wished I could do this. Today I find the directions to make it happen: On this day link to content from previous years for MT! [via MoveableBlog]

Amy offers instructions for how to do this in GM on her Codebits page. (Which was what prompted my comment last night.)

EDITED – Well now, don't I feel like a dork? I have been super busy for the past 2 weeks, and for awhile there my blog reading was pretty thin. Lynda posted a solution HERE (on this site) already – detailing how to do this! I like how her method is set up, and I'll be putting it to use later this week! Thanks Lynda!

3 Responses to ""On This Day" Links"

1 | Lynda

April 29th, 2002 at 7:50 pm


Ouch. :)

Again, I did post (somewhat complicated) directions to do the same thing on this very site.

The advantage to doing this is you don't need to name your files a particular way and you can include entry excerpts and other fun tidbits. Just depends really on what you want the script to do for you.

2 | Christine

April 29th, 2002 at 8:47 pm


OH MY GOODNESS! I don't know how, but I *totally* missed that post! Well, I know how – that's when the current work project began, and my time reading anything online has been cut short. YOUR solution looks even more wonderful! I just wonder how long it will take to query through my 1600 entries. And … another thought … if there are multiple posts on one day, will it link to just one post or to the daily archive for that day? (I have both individual & daily archives set up.)

We have to get the search set up here later this week! It's moments like these when I truly need it! Thanks so much for pointing that out to me!

3 | Lynda

April 29th, 2002 at 9:22 pm


It will link to all posts on that day. The script loops through the file to find ALL matches and then displays all matches. :)

As far as how long it would take, I don't know. You might want to leave out the excerpt or do it in batches (like make a file for every year or month and then call up that file based on what month/year it is or something like that)

I only have 200+ entries on my journal (where I use the script) but it doesn't make any dent in the load time.

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