
17 Apr, 2002

case matters

Posted by: kristine In: How to's

Do you ever wish you were more consistant about how you titled your posts? Would you notice a difference between these – Case Matters, case matters, CASE MATTERS ??

Then here's a trick to try instead of going in and editing titles every time you were sloppy about naming!!

You'll want a class in your stylesheet for the title (and the same class surrounding the title in your template):

.subhead {text-transform: lowercase;}

The options in text-transform are capitalize (Case Matters), uppercase (CASE MATTERS), and lowercase (case matters)

Now, when you get an urge to go uppercase, just change the code!

6 Responses to "case matters"

1 | Amy

April 17th, 2002 at 11:25 pm


this iS jUst what i nEed! LOL! Thanks for the tip, Kristine :)

2 | Row

April 20th, 2002 at 10:22 pm


Or, there's also font-variant : small-caps for nice looking titles. :)

3 | Lynda

April 21st, 2002 at 8:59 am


Testing Small Caps

testing capitalize

TesTinG uppercase


Ohhh, neato! I especially like the one Row pointed out. Thanks all. :)

4 | kristine

April 21st, 2002 at 1:03 pm


Thanks Row, I knew there was another one that I was forgetting in there!!! :)

5 | Row

April 21st, 2002 at 8:21 pm


Hehehe, I wasn't game to test it out in the comments! I knew something would go bad.

Although I guess that's what preview is for. But I always feel wrong messing with html etc in comments.

I love small caps :)

6 | Sid

July 19th, 2003 at 7:05 pm


I don't understand exactly how to use this.

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