
23 Feb, 2003

closing comments on old entries

Posted by: kristine In: Bookmarks

Tubedogg at Geeksblog put together a PHP script for MT which will close comments on old entries based on a date/time: Close Comments. Requires MT 2.6 or higher running the MySQL backend. There's been a lot of requests for this type of thing at the MT Forums in the past, and now that MT2.6 has the option to close comments instead of just having them on or off, this is possible :)

5 Responses to "closing comments on old entries"

1 | Jill

February 24th, 2003 at 1:51 am


BLESS YOU for posting this Kristine!!! Can't wait to get it functional!!


February 24th, 2003 at 6:11 pm


closing comments on old entries
scriptygoddess: "Requires MT 2.6 or higher running the MySQL backend."

3 | Couchblog

February 25th, 2003 at 4:00 pm


Close Comments!
One of the new feature in MT is to close comments of (older) articles, so you don't have to mantain

4 | Ten Reasons Why

July 30th, 2003 at 5:33 pm


Movable Type Question
Anybody have an idea for how to close comments on Movable Type en masse? I found two (count em: one, two), techniques for doing it if you set up MT with a MySQL back-end. Unfortunately, I'm using the default Berkeley…

5 | Twinmama

July 21st, 2004 at 5:21 pm


Edited and installed but I'm getting the 500 internal server error. What am I doing wrong? Maybe it's in the wrong directory? The instructions weren't very specific.

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