
31 Oct, 2002

Search extras – google people help – and searchhi (search highlighting)

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks

[links found via] <- Have I mentioned recently how cool I think those people are? They find the neatest stuff!!! MT-RefSearch will help out your visitors coming in from Google by showing them a listing of what they came to your site searching for. (I'll get it working here soon if I can – we get a LOT of google searches here!) Apparently this isn't a new script, but I just found it and think it's really neato!

Also mentioned in that same post on web-graphics was a javascript that will highlight the search terms on your page: searchhi

12 Responses to "Search extras – google people help – and searchhi (search highlighting)"

1 | Jennifer

October 31st, 2002 at 10:00 am


Well, I added the searchhi thing… but it seems to take a long time to load the page from a search now… I may remove it… :-\

Let's see what happens witht that MTRef-Search thingy…

2 | Jennifer

October 31st, 2002 at 10:29 am


Well… I can't figure it out – can't get that mtref search thing to show up…
Anyone else get this to work?

(Also – I took down the searchhi thing because the load time was too long)

3 | eliot

October 31st, 2002 at 3:14 pm


hey jennifer, email or msg me on AIM ("Nick Here") and i'll see what i can do to help you out. some things you need to know: my script requires PHP and for MT to be using MySQL.

4 | Jennifer

October 31st, 2002 at 4:00 pm


Completely bizarre! Must have been whatever google link I was using to get here, but now it's working… see it in action by going to google – do a search for "scriptygoddess" – and click the link to the main page… (just an FYI – it won't show up on any of the archives because I don't have the script in place there)… but maybe that would be useful as well…?

5 | eliot

November 2nd, 2002 at 3:39 am


i have it on all of my pages so no matter how they come to my site, they'll get some navigation help.

6 | alba

November 2nd, 2002 at 10:30 am


eliot, i'm using absolute paths (/home/ericalba/public_html/blah blah…) in my include in the main index and it works. i dropped the same code into the individual archives and i don't see it working. is it possible it's conflicting with other php? all i have is textism's refer script in there.

7 | Matt

November 13th, 2002 at 4:23 am


ok so i think this script is great but does not work for all MT Users. Mainly because of the way I am archiving. Using a directory structure to keep category posts separate.

more of my findings here on my site

8 | Promo

December 6th, 2002 at 2:57 pm


Can this be incorporated into the Google-Ref's pages? That's the page that turns up the most in Google, the page with all the google search terms.

If I could use it to point the searcher to the right post that would be great.

9 | vent

November 4th, 2002 at 7:27 am


help for the wandering googler
i notice i get a ton of referrals from google. so for a little bit of usability i've added Eliot Landrum's MT-RefSearch which displays, to people who arrive here via

10 | vent

November 4th, 2002 at 6:57 pm


link-based navigation makes mozilla cool
thanks to dive into mark's tip and trotmmetter times' example this site is enhanced with 'link-based navigation' (for mozilla only). you should notice an additional tool bar with arrows and

11 | Outinfive | Playing the odds!

November 13th, 2002 at 4:07 am


Google Googles Everywhere!
I just added some new script to show users coming in from google searches pertanent information. Try doing this search

12 | Neurotic Fishbowl

December 3rd, 2002 at 7:07 pm


Help for Visitors From Google
Thanks to the girls (and guys) over at Scripty Goddess, I found this great little tool, MT RefSearch. Basically, by

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