Advertising is currently available in the top (middle) sidebar. Ads must be family-friendly, and must not promote unfair or illegal practices. Only no-follow links are allowed. Ads must be approved by me to ensure content is not offensive. Rates for this location are $15(US) per month per spot. This pricing is initial pricing and may change in the future. Up to 3 months of advertising may be purchased at this price. If you are hosting the ad, and the content of your ad changes, I retain the right to remove your ad if the content becomes offensive. You will be given a pro-rated refund in the event your ad needs to be removed. This policy is subject to change. Current advertisers will be notified of changes.
Please use the form below if you are interested in advertising on Scriptygoddess. By filling out the form below, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the advertising policy above.
(Advertising policy last updated 7/21/2011)