
08 Oct, 2004

Good CSS (and PHP and more) References

Posted by: Jennifer In: Bookmarks|CSS related

Laura (no link) left only the link to the following reference as a "guest authored" post:

University Of Minnesota Deluth: Web Design References
This particular one is for CSS, but in the sidebar you'll see many more to PHP, Typography, Usability, Javascript, etc. etc.

My one note is their URL is very unfortunate. They MUST get jabs for it. When I first saw it in the guest authored post – I thought it was a joke: Sorta looked like to me. (Then again, I'm kind of dyslexic…)

3 Responses to "Good CSS (and PHP and more) References"

1 | Mark J

October 8th, 2004 at 6:27 pm


If only The University of Massachusetts in Boston had a "d" subdomain!

2 | Michele

October 8th, 2004 at 7:01 pm


It's actually Duluth and Minnesota also has a BSU (home of the beavers) and a Moorehead State University. I can laugh because I'm from there and actually graduated from BSU. ;o)

3 | the dailywebthing • linkport

October 13th, 2004 at 6:05 pm


List: PHP Tutorials
Web Design References: PHP[via scriptygoddess]

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