For the past few weeks, I've been using CSS for my layouts (at work) and I can say that I think I've officially been converted. While I still struggle with the little nuances (see previous post) – it IS starting to make sense to me.
I'm now about to start using CSS in a more involved project in which I create HTML pages and then hand them off for JSP developers to work with.
Previously, one frustrating thing that would happen in these cases is that, while HTML may seem incredibly simple to me – this is not the case for the JSP developers. We would often have many back and forths about what happend on the page when they added their JSP code. What, with all the spacer gifs, nested tables, broken graphics just to maintain the "look" – admittedly, even I would have a hard time going through the markup without a WSYWIG editor handy.
But now with this project – the idea of keeping content and layout seperate suddenly makes perfect sense. I have all my layout stuff going on in a page (i.e. the stylesheet) they won't be touching (Thank god! LOL!) And the HTML they need to work with is INCREDIBLY simple and easy to follow – especially considering the alternative.
I don't have to worry about them messing up my design. And they don't have to worry about scrolling page after page through wacky html table tricks.
Now it starts to make sense