I'm just kidding. Well… not really ;O)
I'm not a CSS pro – I'd like to be one. I've been trying to follow the CSS-progression from the sidelines, sometimes getting my hands a little dirty, but unfortunately, it's not enough. Up until very recently, the company I worked for was required to support Netscape 4.x. Now that that support has been dropped, CSS based layouts are just around the corner. In fact one major department is already heading in that direction. (Do you hear that noise? That's me shaking in my boots!!!)
I'm doing "The Right Thing"™ and recommending the same move – but the fact of the matter is that I'm not up to the task. I have a LONG ways to go before I can do such an undertaking.
Probably one of my biggest problems to overcome is "Where do I begin?!" – I understand HOW to do a lot of CSS stuff (font styling, positioning – although I'm a little lost on the relative, absolute, and static differences) – but if I'm starting out with a design in photoshop – What is my next step? How do I break it down into CSS code? What's the best/right way to group and nest layers?
In a Table-Design world – this used to start with me printing out my design and drawing a grid right on top of the printout. Grouping off certain areas for one table – or another. In the beginning – it took me several printouts to get the right grid. Now? I can see a layout and do the grids in my head.
I am SO FAR from doing that with CSS it's scary. Really it is. This is my job. I'm supposed to know this stuff. So in an effort to save my job learn more about CSS – I'll be posting links that either have some interesting CSS discussion (like why this is important) and explain some more advanced layout techniques, and hacks. (disclaimer: I may add to this post over the next couple of days – but feel free to post some links, words of advice… encouragement 😉 in the comments)
The Price of CSS
Web ReDesign (perhaps something I should get?)
Tables vs. CSS
Quirksmode CSS Hacks
Centricle – will the browser display the rule?
Stopdesign – a design process revealed
*This article looked at first like it would be perfect – but jumped from photoshop/illustrator comp directly to CSS – and it's the step in between that I'm having the most trouble with.