
28 Oct, 2003

MT-Blacklist 1.5 Released

Posted by: Christine In: MT Plugins

Just released today – MT-Blacklist Version 1.5! Defend your blog!

If you are using Adam Kalsey's comment notification hack, you might need to make some changes. See more details here. Other hacks and plugins may require additional tweaking, so remember – do a backup first!

3 Responses to "MT-Blacklist 1.5 Released"

1 | jake

November 13th, 2003 at 12:49 pm


To bad this is needed, but thanks for the great work!

2 | Ks Weblog

November 1st, 2003 at 6:37 am


MT-Blacklist 1.5 Released
Be sure to use MT-Blacklist, I haven't had a comment spam since I installed it. Thank God! From scriptygoddess Just released today – MT-Blacklist Version 1.5! Defend your blog! If you are using Adam Kalsey's comment notification hack, you m…

3 |

November 4th, 2003 at 11:35 am


Gesammeltes zu Kommentar-Spam bei MT
Ich hatte zwar seither keine Probleme mehr mit Kommentar-Spam (*auf Holz klopf*), falls es aber mal wieder vermehrt Ärger geben sollte, habe ich hier mal meine dazu gesammelten Links abgelegt: Kommentar-Spam bei MovableType [Bloghaus] Subscribe to comm…

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