We post code here a lot on scriptygoddess… and if you haven't already noticed, if you don't replace your "<" and your ">" with "<" and ">" you break the page.
Well, they say that necessity is the mother of invention… so I guess that means that LAZINESS is the mother of programming.
Here's a script AND A (beta) BOOKMARKLET that will do all that for you
First the bookmarklet… As I said before… this is BETA. Use it at your own risk. (heh. Everything on this site is use it at your own risk, but you knew that already). (please note: I'm pretty sure this won't work with netscape ever, but maybe 6.2 will accept it…) You drag it to your links bar, then select some text, and it should replace those characters. If you crash, or get an error, email me and give me as much specfics as you can.
Bookmarklet (beta) ===> email me